This study aims to investigate the hopelessness and life satisfaction level of adolescents after the Covid-19 pandemic. The population of the research consists of 133 women and 77 men, a total of 210 high school students aged between 15-18, who live and study in the TRNC during the 2021-2022 academic year. Personal Information Form, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Beck Hopelessness Scale were used in the study. In order to apply the data collection tools, the relevant forms and scales were transferred to Google Forms and shared with the adolescents who were educated in different high schools, selected with a simple random method, and volunteers were asked to fill in these forms. Based on the relational results between the Hopelessness Scale and Satisfaction with Life Scale, it has been determined that there are statistically significant and negative correlations between the scores of the adolescents. According to the data obtained from the hopelessness and life satisfaction scale, it was concluded that no significant difference was observed according to gender, grade level, separation or separation of parents, death of one of the parents, or both being alive and living with their families. In addition, as a result of the research, no significant difference was found in the level of life satisfaction of the adolescents according to the number of siblings, a significant difference was found in the levels of hopelessness, and it was determined that the adolescents with five or more siblings were found to be higher than the adolescents who had no siblings, it has been concluded that adolescents with lower income levels have less life satisfaction.
Keywords: Hopelessness, life satisfaction, adolescent.
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