

The purpose of this study is to examine the views of parents with special needs children regarding their children's sex education. Convergent parallel design, one of the mixed research methods, has been used in the study. Quantitative data were obtained from 200 parents and qualitative data from 15 parents from the same sample group who volunteered to do face-to-face interviews. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-Square test have been used for analyzing the quantitative data. In the analysis of the parents' views on the necessity of sex education, it was found that 94.5% of parents consider sex education necessary. In the qualitative analysis, 13 parents stated that they consider sex education necessary, while two stated that they do not consider it necessary. When the parents' views regarding by whom/at what age sex-related information should be provided, both quantitative and qualitative findings revealed that they think parents should provide sex-related information, and teachers and doctors took the second place in this sense. Quantitative analysis of parents' views on the content of sex-related information revealed that they think sexual organs, changes in the body, and sexual abuse should be the main topics included in sex education. Both quantitative and qualitative findings have shown that there is a lack of information in parents. In line with research findings, it is recommended to prepare qualified programs and carry out awareness-raising activities for sex education of children with special needs.

Keywords: Sex education, special education, children.


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How to Cite

BARTİN, L. ., GÜR, Çağla ., & NURİ, C. . (2021). EXAMINING THE VIEWS OF PARENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN REGARDING THEIR CHILDREN’S SEX EDUCATION (NORTH CYPRUS SAMPLE). Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 10(2), 125–140. Retrieved from https://www.tijseg.org/index.php/tijseg/article/view/143



Research Article