In today's world and our country where continuous innovations are made in the field of education, inclusive education constitutes an important agenda. Inclusive education accepts and includes all individual, cultural and ethnic differences. The aim of this research is to determine the views of school administers on inclusive education, to reveal the problems they experience and their solution suggestions. The data were collected from 8 school administers working in official schools of Çanakkale Province under the Directorate of National Education in 2022-2023 academic year. This research aims to have in-depth information about the subject within the framework of qualitative research with a phenomenological design. The data were obtained through a semi-structured interview form consisting of 6 items and the analysis was made through descriptive analysis. The data reveal that school administers have an awareness that needs to be increased towards inclusive education. In addition, it reveals that school administers' perceptions of their responsibilities regarding physical environment arrangements, student needs, teacher development, parent and community awareness regarding inclusive education need to be improved. It has been found that school administers may have problems with inclusive education practices and suggestions for solutions are put forward.
Keywords: Inclusive education, school administers, disadvantaged students, inclusive education stakeholders.
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