

The research focuses on analyzing the silent pauses that co-occur with discourse markers, on spontaneous interactions between Brazilian Portuguese speakers from metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, that play cognitive function of information selection. The hypothesis is that this type of marker favors the introduction of full constituents in the conversational flow due to the unfilled pause that follows them. The sample that composes the research was extracted from the Corpus C-oral Brazil1. A preliminary analysis of the data confirms the role of discourse markers in inhibiting the rupture of syntagmatic units, as usually occurs in hesitations of another nature. The study has as main objective to collaborate to understand the variation of hesitations in the flow of speech, seeking to correlate cognitive processing and linguistic coding.

Keywords: Pauses, discourse markers, education, informational unit.


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How to Cite

BATISTA, H. R. ., & MOLLICA, M. C. . (2021). THE ROLE OF SILENT PAUSE PRECEDED BY DISCOURSE MARKER. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 10(1), 21–39. Retrieved from



Research Article