Dissociation is an “escape way” from unbearable traumatic events, a tendency for denying or oppressing traumas and their effects as well as the emotions stemming from them. The traumatic reality is not fully grasped, nor processed but have their disruptive effects in the life of individuals subject to traumatic events. What amplifies the power and role of traumatic events in the life of individuals are less elaborative parents about their dissociogenic family dynamics, parents that adopt negative child-rearing styles, apparently normal families with dysfunctional features, societies in which individuals feel insecure and the justice is not secured all of which are compelling psychological situations that are difficult to handle. Construction of self, self-esteem, a unique and associate identity within autobiographical memory is inevitably interrupted by all these traumatic events deepened with dysfunctional family dynamics at the expense of ruining individual's singular consciousness. Dissociation is a result of actions of individuals struggling for reintegration. On that account, as “Modern Psychotraumatology: trauma and dissociation studies” and “Dissoanalysis Theory”, founded by Ozturk, establish an association between trauma and identity, their reciprocal relations with memory and self are discussed herein on the ground of modern psychotraumatology.
Keywords, Dissoanalysis theory, modern psychotraumatology, dissociation, holistic self, pluralistic personality.
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