The purpose of this research was to understand the perceptions of teachers about the impact that motor development has on the development of language and speech in school-aged children. In this research we had 70 participants, where 97% of them were women and 3% of them were men. The instrument used for this research was a questionnaire which contained 5 demographic questions and 37 questions related to motor, language and speech development. SPSS was used to analyze the results, where frequency analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used. Based on the correlational analysis, we understood that the higher the motor development, the higher the speech development. We also understand that the higher the motor development in children, the higher is language development in children. Also, no less important, it should be noted that the higher the children's intelligibility, the higher the language development. At the same time, based on the regression analysis, we understand that motor development affects the positive development of language and speech.
Keywords: Teachers’ perceptions, development, motor skills, language, speech.
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