

To achieve the most satisfactory school results school must activate all its capacities and factors within its work system. An important factor in the results of school work is the parents. Parental involvement in school affairs is very significant in school outcomes. School and family constitute two important factors in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. The family has a significant role and potential in the effectiveness of educating children. Often parents are not aware that they are playing a fundamental role in their children's development through active involvement in school affairs. The purpose of the research is to reflect the real situation of parents' involvement in school affairs and to provide recommendations that help raise awareness of both parties about the importance of parent-school cooperation in the educational process. This study also aims to highlight the level of knowledge that parents have about their rights about organizing and participating in school affairs. The research was conducted through a quantitative approach with parents (N=60) through questionnaires and through a qualitative approach, interviewing school principals examining the challenges and needs for improving school-family partnership and the role and opportunities of both parties towards a cooperation more effective.

Keywords: School, parents, students, school-family partnership.


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How to Cite

XHEMAJLI, A. ., & MULLALIU, M. . . (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 11(2), 178–183. Retrieved from



Research Article