

The purpose of this study is to investigate a mathematically gifted student's self-regulation behaviours while constructing and consolidating mathematical knowledge. However, the objective is to determine which self-regulation strategies influence this student's mathematical abstraction process. The case study method was used in the research. As part of the case study, interviews with a mathematically gifted student were conducted. During the interviews, the students' mathematical knowledge construction and consolidation processes were investigated through the mathematical problem-solving tasks. The coding strategy was used to ascertain the students' strategies for self-regulation while constructing and consolidating structure. On the basis of the collected data, conclusions were drawn regarding the interaction of cognitive and metacognitive components that are managed via self-regulation strategies and epistemic actions involved in the construction and consolidation of mathematical structure. It was discovered that the student was proficient at recognizing and applying prior mathematical structure through the use of cognitive strategies. The student's task-related objectives, as well as their metacognitive monitoring of the process through review of the mathematical strategies he employed to accomplish these objectives, were found to contribute to the construction and consolidation of the correct mathematical structures. The data collected revealed that the gifted student's cognitive and metacognitive self-regulation strategies are critical for the realization of the mathematical abstraction process.

Keywords: Mathematical giftedness, mathematical abstraction, self-regulation strategies.


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How to Cite

COŞAR, M. Çağlar ., & KEŞAN, C. . (2021). SELF-REGULATION BEHAVIOURS OF A GIFTED STUDENT IN MATHEMATICAL ABSTRACTION PROCESS. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 10(2), 152–168. Retrieved from



Research Article