

This study aimed to conduct an in-depth analysis of post-traumatic growth experiences based on the perception of mothers with children with special needs in primary school. As a qualitative research method, the phenomenological design was used because the study focused on how the participants made sense of this growth process. Eight volunteer mothers of children with special needs participated in the study. The data were collected through three-stage semi-structured interviews and analyzed with the phenomenological analysis technique carried out in five stages. The findings of the mothers' post-traumatic growth experiences were collected under five sub-themes with 28 codes, including relationships with other individuals, personal strength, spirituality-religion, appreciation of life, and life opportunities.

Keywords: Posttraumatic growth, individual with special needs, trauma.


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How to Cite

ALTINSOY, F. ., & ERKORKMAZ-ÇOBAN, Ümran . (2021). POSTTRAUMATIC GROWTH FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF MOTHERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN: A QUALITATIVE STUDY. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling ISSN: 1300-7432, 10(2), 101–113. Retrieved from



Research Article